Peats Ridge Run

Sun 15 November 2015
Mount Colah McDoanlds cnr Pacific Highway and Lady Street Mt Colah
8.30am for a 9.00am start
Ed Crowley, 0413 409 326,

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Join me on my introductory run as the Convenor Sydney Chapter from McDonalds at Mt. Colan for a relaxed drive up the Old Pacific Highway on a scenic 65km convoy run to the Corrugated Cafe at Peats Ridge this coming Sunday morning. 

After brunch or a coffee I will lead a return run through Mangrove Mountain and Spencer to cross the Hawksbury River on the Wisemans Ferry then on to Dural. Those accommpaning me can decide on a lunch stop on route or continue straight on home.

Everyone has the option after coffees to go back across the Hawkesbury River at the Brooklyn Bridge to get home for lunch.