Peter's Out of Africa Safari Run to Jugiong

Sun 16 February 2014
Blamey Square
7.45am for an 8.00am departure
Peter and Lia Battison,

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Fill the petrol tank and meet at Blamey Square at 7.45am for an 8.00am departure. This is a long run and, like all club runs, will be conducted at the sign-posted speed limits. Lunch is at the Long Track Café at Jugiong – one of our Clubs favourite spots. Please let Peter or Lia know if you coming via email so that a booking can be made.

Why is it called the ‘Out of Africa’ Run? Simply because the roads you will be taking look, on the map, a bit like the outline of the African continent! So watch out for things ‘lion’ in the road, and people laughing like hyenas as they have more fun than a barrel of monkeys! So, wear something African, dress the car up as an elephant, carry a spear – basically, have some fun, use your imagination – there may even be a prize for the best effort.

For those that want a longer run home that avoids the boring Hume, Peter is coming home via Tumut, Tumbarunba and the Snowy Mountains Highway to Cooma, and on home. This is a four hour run, plus stops, and this is the best time of the year to do what is known as one of the top five roads in Australia. Magnificent views and a brilliant road build especially for MX5s!