Phil's Cheese & Horses Run

Sun 23 August 2015
BP Beresfield Service Centre Northern end of M1 Kinta Drive Beresfield NSW
8.00am meet for an 8.30 start
Rachel Crawford,

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Well Rachel will be taking the reins of this run so saddle up and get ready for a visit to the upper hunter region.

A day out enjoying the locally produced roads of the upper hunter around where champion thorough breds reside.

 Morning Tea will be at a new location "to other being not available " but will be either "BYO' Cuppa n Cakes or you may wish to wander around corner to nearby Cafes' in Denman for a cuppa or even like last time  a Ice Cream

Lunch will be at The New Linga Longa Inn Hotel at Gundy. A great casual menu to choose from sure to please all.

After a lunch a drive home via Glenbawn Dam and back roads of Singleton NSW.

Just turn up on the day with the MX-5 saddled up to get your starting line number......