Wed 22 July 2020
The Baker, Victoria Street, Sutton
8.30 am for a 8.45 am start
Steve Wakeling, 0416 040 572,

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Unfortunately recent events have forced us to CANCEL this run.

Do you remember the days when Picton was just another town on the long trip to Sydney? A favourite spot for the boys in blue and the lead up to the infamous Razorback?

No longer a bump in the road, the Hume Highway bypass has left the town to itself, and my has it picked itself up and dusted itself down! With fine colonial buildings, Picton is a rural delight where you’ll be charmed by the cafes, shops and markets in this beautiful historic town near World Heritage wilderness and other enchanting heritage towns.

Steve and Cecelia will take us on the long and winding road to Picton, where we will partake in a sumptuous lunch at one of the grand pubs, and have time after to explore a little, or just head home.

Steve needs some good notice so he can keep the pub informed of numbers, so please let him know by 6 July.

More to come soon.

RSVP (by email) before 6 July 2020 to Steve Wakeling at:

Steve will take registrations on a 'first in' basis to the maximum of twenty members, and may take additional names should anyone withdraw or other circumstances permit additional members attending.

PLEASE NOTE: The following 'COVID-19 Procedures' introduced by the Club (effective from 13 June 2020) apply to this run:

  • the run is restricted to a maximum of 20 (twenty) financial members
  • members wishing to attend MUST register with the Run Leader by the email or the Google forms system set up for the event
  • only participants who receive an acknowledgement from the Run Leader, via email or text, may gather at the start venue and join the event. Under no circumstances will any member be allowed to tag along
  • all current COVID-19 restrictions relevant to the jurisdiction must be complied with, including social distancing rules
  • all participants are strongly advised to have downloaded the COVID Safe App and are required to carry personal hand sanitiser.

Further information is available at