President's Picnic 2016

Sat 24 September 2016
Ebenezer Church, 95 Coromandel Rd, Ebenezer
see more info
Michael Soulos, 0413 113 399,
FREE for financial members; Visitors: $25 with lunch or $10 no lunch

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The annual picnic gathering of our members from all chapters will again be held in the riverbank grounds of Ebenezer Church. Ebenezer Church is the oldest church in Australia conducting weekly services situated just 12km from Windsor in a rural setting on the banks of the Hawkesbury River. This year’s President’s Picnic will be our chance to express our gratitude and thanks to Bryan Shedden who has announced that he is retiring as President at the AGM in October.

Please complete the Registration Form so that we can cater for the right number of people and have some food for you.

Pack your picnic rug and goodies to join us for a member’s picnic lunch of BBQ chook, bangers and salad. Lunch will be provided to all current financial members in attendance without charge. To get your free lunch you must have pre-registered for this event and ensure that your membership is paid up and current. Then wander through the historic sandstone Church and grounds, exhibit your car in one of the categories, or just sit back and enjoy the day in the company of friends from all our chapters.

Current Registration Count = 191 people

Please note: no registration form = no lunch!


Registration & Parking

On arrival at Ebenezer Church, all attendees must park in Coromandel Road as directed by volunteers to register at the registration desk set up outside the gate to the church and tea rooms. All attendees must register before proceeding to park their car in the church grounds through a control point and gate on a side road then park as directed by volunteer parking marshals.

Non-Member Attendance and/or Participation

Non-member attendance is welcome provided they comply with the directions of our Committee Members and volunteer marshalls. Non-members are not eligible for trophies, however Certificates of Merit may be awarded where appropriate. Non-members who wish to participate in lunch will be charged $25 per person and those who don't want lunch will be charged $10 per person (payable at the registration desk upon arrival).

Getting There

Runs to the event may be organised on the day starting at various locations and will be posted separately on the event calendar by participating chapters. Links will be added to the list below:

MX-5 Show Events

The Club will be conducting numerous car show events on the grounds of the Ebenezer Church in conjunction with the President’s Picnic for members and guests.

Members & visitors will have the opportunity to show their cars in three categories, vote for the People’s Choice Award & Best on Show with members only in the running for one or other two special categories.

You can only enter either Concours or Show ‘n’ Shine or Modified events and not more than one of these three events. Everyone entering an event agrees if asked to make themselves available to act as a judge or join committee members as a volunteer on the day to help with parking cars.

Trophies are being awarded to the NA, NB, NC & ND judged to be the best in class with Certificates of Merit awarded at the judges’ discretion for entries deemed to be worthy of special mention . Only financial Club members can win the Club trophies with all entrants eligible for Certificates of Merit.

The Club requires not less than three entries for a class to be eligible for a trophy and the decision of the judges is final.

Concours d’Elegance

Concours is for unmodified MX-5s judged for their originality and presentation see Concours Information & Guide Sheet. The Concours Judging Sheet (coming soon) provides details of the assessment criteria.

Pre-registration in Concours is essential. Please complete the Registration Form by 5pm Friday 16th September. Concours competitors are requested to print the Concours Judging Sheet, complete their details, and bring it to the event. Concours cars will park in a dedicated area from 8:30am before general entry from 9:00am.

As we need to organise teams to view and judge Concours entries from those entering cars. Those wishing to enter must pre-register and be willing to assist in judging cars in a class other than that in which they have entered on or before 16 September 2016.

Show 'n' Shine

Show 'n' Shine trophies and award certificates of merit based on how a panel of members perceive the exterior of those NAs, NBs, NCs and NDs on show taking into account originality and/or external modifications and trim.

Those wishing to enter should record their intention in their Registration Form.

Show 'n' Shine is for everyone who wants to show their MX-5 at its best and should not be confused with the Concours event that has formal judging criteria. Show 'n' Shine is an opportunity for all cars to show their MX-5s without having to prepare as if entering for Concours. Pre-registration is not obligatory.

Show 'n' Shine has no points or judging criteria. The judges drawn from the general membership will determine what in their opinion is the most deserving NA, NB, NC and ND without in their view major body panel modifications or changes (other than flaring, trim, exhaust or wheels), their overall external appearance and visible cabin areas of the cars. Roofs can be left up or down to show off the interior finish for the judges to take into consideration. Engine areas and boots are not considered by the judges in Show 'n' Shine.

Minor scratches, bumps, paint chips and blemishes may be disregarded at the judge’s discretion. Aftermarket trim may be taken into account in accessing the appeal of cars that the judges believe enhance the appeal of an entry deserving of a trophy or special mention.

Best Modified MX-5s

For those members of the MX-5 community who are into upgrading or modifying the performance of their MX-5s, our expert judges will chose an NA, NB, NC & ND class trophy winner and may award certificates of merit in each class primarily taking into account the nature and quality of mechanical modifications with the exterior of these cars being a secondary consideration.

Those wishing to enter must record their intention in their Registration Form.

Our judges will select the winning NA, NB, NC and ND for the best modified MX-5s parked in the grounds of Ebenezer Church before 11:00am. If you wish to participate and be considered for a Modified MX-5 Award, the bonnets of the car should be left open when you park in your allocated area. The criteria and modifications by which the cars are judged is left to the judges’ discretion.

Best on Show

All the judges for Concours and Show 'n' Shine and Modified MX-5 competitions will select their choice as a member's MX-5 with the biggest "wow" factor parked on the church grounds on the day allowing for originality and/or modifications as the Best on Show. There is no formal entries or nominations for the Best in Show Trophy.

People's Choice Award

All registered participants with a lunch ticket will be given a voting paper to select up to three MX-5s of any model and rank them 1 to 3 for the People’s Choice Awards. Everyone who has registered is issued with a People’s Choice Voting Slip and a pencil to make their nominations for their choice as the best MX-5 on show. Voting slips will be collecting voting papers between 10:30am and 11:30am.

Best Ladies Car on Show

All the judges for Concours and Show 'n' Shine and Modified MX-5 competitions will select their choice as Best Ladies MX-5 on Show for Le Beau Prix MX-5 de Dames Trophy and may award certificates of merit to lady member's cars parked in the church grounds.


8:30am Concours car can enter and park in the grounds and prepare for judging.
9:00am Registration desk opens for cars to enter grounds after registration.
  Concours judging commences
9:30am Coffee Cart opens with slab cake available for a morning tea.
10:00am Show ‘n’ Shine & Modified MX-5s judging starts
10:30am Collecting Best in Show commences
11:30am Registration Desk closes
  Entry to grounds closes
  Coffee Cart closes
12:00pm Judging closes
1:00pm Lunch commences
2:30pm Presentation of Trophies & Awards

PDF Registration Form (only for those who struggle with the "Book Now" button)

Concours Information & Guide Sheet