Rachel's Hawks Nest Hussle

Sun 20 March 2016
Beresfield Hungry Jacks, John Renshaw Drive, Beresfield
8:30am for a 9:00am start
Rachel Crawford, 0419979968, rachel@crawfordhouse.net.au

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Google Maps says Beresfield to Hawks Nest is 50 min and 70 Km, well that's boring. So what do we want?
Rolling Countryside: Tick; Straight Bits: Tick; Wiggly Bits: Tick; Fast Bits: Tick.
So I think that I've got all the roads and scenery covered, you just need to bring provisions for the drive.
Sorry but due to venue closure it is now a BYO Morning Tea.

BYO Picnic Lunch (or grab something from a local takeaway) at Jimmys Beach Hawkes Nest.
Given it's the Melbourne F1 GP, we will done by about 2.30 pm so you can all get home to watch the race!