Ray's Annual Run

Sun 12 August 2018
McDonalds, Windsor Road, McGrath Hill
9.00am for 9.30 start
Pam Estreich, 0459 253272, Pam.estreich@gmail.com
Ray Estreich, 0428 970998, Pam.estreich@gmail.com
Up to the individual

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CAMS Permit No. 218/208/11

A Leisurely country drive to a secluded reserve for our morning tea.   Enjoy the river setting and wildlife.   The scenery is captivating.   Continue our journey through the beautiful country to the river, and then onto Wisemans Ferry for a picnic lunch.  Lunch is subject to change if the weather lets us down.

Bring you own lunch.     There is toilets and BBQs at the destination and a kiosk where you can get a cup of coffee.

Please make sure you RSVP Pam on    Pamestreich@gmail.com    before the 10th August