Richmond Vale Railway

Sun 14 August 2022
Speers Point Swim Centre Park Rd, Speers Point
9:00am for 9:30am Start
David & Elaine Gazzard, 0491 000472, 0414 431817

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Join the the run to Richmond Vale Museum or just meet there around 10:30am.

Site Entry cost $16 for Adults, $11 for concession and $7.50 for children (so I guess we get the $7.50 price?)

We can do a Group Booking @ $11 for site Entry and guided tour. For other group options use the Web site link.

The museum is a family-friendly location. In addition to the historical displays, the site offers the following attractions:

  •          Unlimited full-sized train rides
  •          Miniature train rides
  •          Child-accessible signalling activity
  •          Historic films in the mining museum
  •          Picnic tables
  •          Canteen

Picnic areas and a Canteen is available for lunch so bring your own or purchase there.

Richmond Vale Web Site
