Riverboat Postman

Tue 03 May 2022
McDonalds McGraths Hill
07:30am for an 08:00am start
Brigid Gallop, 0428114401, brigidgallop1@gmail.com
Ron Gallop, 0428114401, brigidgallop1@gmail.com
Riverboat Postman $59adult and $49 concession. Includes morning tea and lunch. EFT facilities available.

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RSVP BY 12TH APRIL 2022 using the RSVP button or if you have problems email brigidgallop1@gmail.com. When RSVPing please include your phone number and dietary requirements.


We will meet at McDonalds McGraths hill at 07:30am for a 08:00am start. Toilet facilities available.

Departing McGraths Hill we will travel a well known route through the Hawkesbury and Hills district to Berowra Waters Ferry.

After a short comfort stop we cross the river on the Berowra Waters punt and follow Berowra Waters Road and the Pacific Highway to Brooklyn Marina, where we will board th iconic Riverboat Postman Ferry for a picturesque cruise on the beautiful Hawkesbury River.

Morning tea and lunch are served on board and is included in the cost.

The boat departs at 10am, hense the early departure.

Once I have the list of participants I can forward it to the Riverboat Postman and it will be possible to pay them directly.