Rivers and Mountains Run

Sat 26 July 2014
Rofe Park, Galston Road, Hornsby Heights
7:30am for 8:00 Departure
Adam Walker, 0403 161 544, breakfast@mx5.com.au

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Join the BreakFast Club on a brisk winter morning run.

We will start at Hornsby Heights and work our way throught the tough Galston Gorge before heading up to Wisemans Ferry. A Quick cross of the Hawkesbury will have us steaming along the river's edge towards our breakfast stop at the famous Wombat Cafe.

After we have recharged the run continues along the river and up to Mangrove Mountain before turning south and along the Old Pacific before stopping at Pie In The Sky.

As with the BreakFast Club, this will be a waypoint run graded as Hard (H)

Waypoint locations:

Wisemans Ferry crossing

Wombat Cafe

Mangrove Mountain

Pie In The Sky