
Sat 26 March 2022
Glenbrook Cinema Carpark, 2 Ross St, Glenbrook NSW 2773. Secondary pickup at Little Hartley approx 10:00am
08:30am for 09:00am start
Sandie Duric, 0247393335,
Paul Williams, 0247393335,

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RSVP  required by 13th March 2022 to: 

Come and join RPM on a run across the Blue Mountains to Rockley which is one of those rare country towns where nothing much seems to have changed for over a century. It has a delightful park beside Pepper's Creek; a beautiful old red brick mill; a pub and a few houses. It is as though nothing has changed and it has been listed by the National Tru

We will be departing Glenbrook at 9 am with a pick up at Little Hartley at approximately10:00. This will be a quick morning tea stop.

Following morning tea we will travel across the mountains to our destination at Rockley. We will then proceed on to lunch (venue to be advised)

Parking and toilet facilities are available at Glenbrook, Hartley and Rockley Pub.

Directions for the run will be sent out to closer to the date to those that RSVP'd.