RPM Run to Australia Day Picnic

Fri 26 January 2018
Mulgoa Park, Mulgoa.( Cnr Mulgoa Road and Littlefield Road)
8:30 am for a 9:00 am start
Brigid Gallop, 0428 114 401, brigidgallop@hotmail.com

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RSVP REQUIRED BY 19TH JANUARY 2018 TO BRIGID AT: brigidgallop@hotmail.com

Please convene at Mulgoa Park for a lovely run along good country roads through Wallacia, Bringelly and Cobbity to Picton and then onto the dam where we will join Sydney and Illawarra Chapters.

Toilets and barbeques and hot water are available but otherwise it is bring your own snags or other choice of meat, or simply bring a picnic.

Join in the fun with a game of cricket or try the sack race and the 3 legged race.

You may also like to dress up your car (ensuring it is safe on the road) and also yourselves.