Shannons Wheels Expo

Sun 08 March 2015
Tony McDonald, 02 62585630,

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The Shannon’s Wheels Exhibition is Canberra's largest, longest running, and most prestigious, automotive display day, and next year it will be held in King’s Park on Sunday, 8 March 2015.  Traditionally, we have attended this day to display our cars as part of our civic responsibility to help in raising funds for charity.

For 2015, the Council of ACT Motor Clubs has invited the Canberra Chapter of the MX 5 Club of NSW to be the single Focus Club of the display day in honour of the 25th year of the introduction of the MX 5.  

We are being offered the prime display location as it is on the access road, near the Carillion and on the Lake’s edge.  This is the same spot that last year was occupied by the Rolls Royce Club to celebrate their centenary.  This spot has the maximum exposure to the general public, who will be entering the area off Kings Avenue Bridge.  

Being the Focus Club, we will be invited to participate in the pre-display day publicity events and will be the subjects of newspaper, television and radio pre-event coverage.

5 years ago, we had at least 22 cars on display to celebrate the 20th year of the MX 5.  We should be able to do better for this particular honour.  This is a perfect opportunity to show off our cars, the chapter BBQ trailer and any banners to promote our club and its sponsors and their products.  Depending on its availability, there may also be an opportunity for one of the Canberra MX5 dealers to have an ND on display.

Please note this event to your diaries now.  Further information on planning will be provided as it comes to hand via Bob Judd, who is our delegate on the Council of ACT Motor Clubs.