South Coast Run to President's Picnic

Sat 17 September 2022
2 days (17 September - 18 September)
Ernst Arthur in South Nowra (next to Bunnings) – 171 Princes Hway, South Nowra
9:45 am, departure at 9:55 am
Anda Clayton, 0418225749,
Kerry Warner, 0414712447,

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Fancy going to the Presidents Picnic? Think its too far for a day trip? Then join us for an early getaway on Saturday.

The plan is to meet for coffee at Milton Heritage Bakery at 8:30 am for an 9 am departure. We will proceed on some roads less travelled, up through Kangaroo Valley and the Southern Highlands. We will stop for coffee at Robertson, where we will meet some Illawarra friends, before continuing through Buxton and Thirlmere and arriving at Picton for lunch at  George IV Hotel in Picton. After a leisurely lunch and a leg stretch we will mount our trusty steeds for some more backroads through the Oaks and Wallacia to Penrith, then on to Richmond for our overnight stop.

The Colonial Motel at Richmond is holding 4 rooms for us, booked in name of Anda Clayton , MX5 Club South Coast . You will need to book these yourself and mention the MX5 Club.

Phone number: 4578 1166

Price: $140 per night for a standard queen room, $150 for a King room.

Please book accommodation before 3rd September.

We plan to have dinner in Richmond that night and, following breakfast the next morning, travel on to the Presidents Picnic at Ebenezer. You will also need to separately book for the Picnic.

After the festivities we will make our own way home, probably down the Hume Highway, Picton Road and the Princes Highway. The journey to Milton will take about 3.5 hours.