South East Corner is Calling

Fri 27 September 2019
3 days (27 September - 29 September)
Summerhill Motor Inn, 24-26 Merimbula Drive, Merimbula NSW
G Peter Battisson, 0417 269 325,

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South East Corner is Calling


Fri 27 September 2019


3 days (27 September - 29 September)


Summerhill Motor Inn, 24-26 Merimbula Drive, Merimbula NSW




G Peter Battisson, 0417 269 325,

South-East Corner is Calling

The South East Corner is calling you; join us on another mind-altering MX-5 extravaganza.  From the Ocean to the High-Country is the setting for the 2019 BreakFast Club South East Corner Tour.  Our Targa Assault on the South Coast Hinterland and the fabulous Victorian & New South Wales High-Country is now a reality.

Book you accommodation now if you want to be part of this fabulous MX-5 Challenge.

 Assembly Point – Thursday 26 September 2019

The tour will begin with an overnight stay at Merimbula.  Thursday evening, all participants will drive in the cool Spring air, roof down, and meet up at the Summerhill Motor Inn Merimbula.  Dinner, Drinks, Nibbles, etc around the Pool.

Accommodation: Summerhill Motor Inn, 24-26 Merimbula Drive Merimbula NSW, Ph 02 6495 3111

DAY 1 – Friday 27 September 2019

Friday morning will begin with a 6:30am briefing for a 6:50am start.  We will head for Pambula then take a right turn onto the Mount Darragh Road up to the High-Country for Wyndham, Cathcart and a toilet stop just before entering Bombala.  Breakfast at the Bombala Bakery will be a welcome respite and the coffee should re-energise everyone for the next stage.

Breakfast: Bombala Bakery - 115 Maybe Street Bombala NSW 2632 - Ph 02 6458 3113

9:00am should see us leave Bombala for the joy of driving back down to the coast via Imlay Road.  We head south down the Monaro Highway towards Rockton and turn left on to Nungatta Road, then we merge into the Imlay Road for the descent to the coast.  At Narrabarba we make a sharp turn onto the Princes Highway and settle down for a delightful drive through the coastal forests towards Cann River.  We will refuel here as 98RON is available.  Then, a well-deserved Lunch; you have the choice of Cann River Bakery or Pelican Point Coffee Lounge to satisfy your cravings.

Lunch: Cann River Bakery - 22 Princess Hwy Cann River Victoria 3890 - Ph 03 5158 6334                   Pelican Point Coffee Lounge – Princess Highway Cann River Victoria 3890 – Ph 03 5158 6328

11:45am and we are off again up the Monaro Highway for Delegate in the High-Country.  This is a scenic drive that everyone will enjoy.  The road is for the most part wide and winding; however, it is a real stress relieving stage.  We will make a comfort stop at the Delegate Café for a caffeine boost to get us ready for the highlight of the day.

Coffee & Snacks:  Delegate Café - 64 Bombala Street Delegate NSW 2633 – Ph 02 6458 8171

2:10 pm Leave Delegate with calm –In the Zone- apprehension at what is to come.  Have you travelled this incredibly challenging road?  I have the expectation of a massive adrenalin rush that will undoubtedly hit all of you.  I have enjoyed this section of road at least 40 plus times in the past 8 years, since the road was re-made and sealed.  The "Grader Driver" really knew his stuff when he cambered the corners; tightened the curves, switchbacks and created such a wonderful surprise for all who travel this Iconic Road.  It is almost like Slalom Skiing in your MX-5. There are better roads but none with the demands this one has to offer.  That’s just the top 18 Km; there are 95 Km to go before a well-earned rest.

The Bonang Highway waits. 113 Km of MX-5 NIRVANA.  The top section just must be done twice; it has become an addiction of mine.  I just love the challenge of the G forces that are generated as our amazing handling cars cling to the surface with such confidence, how could you not be impressed?

There is no time on this 113 Km section for boredom.  The road demands your attention drawing you in deeper to the ultimate "ZONE". This is truly "Bucket List" time.  It’s 5:45pm when we arrive at the Lakes Entrance Banjo Paterson Motor Inn -after re-fuelling for tomorrow- for the night.  Tired with nervous energy, we need to wind down from the day's high.  We will enjoy basic accommodation that is clean and affordable.  Only a short 500m walk away –very welcome after a full day in the car- for dinner at the Seafood Restaurant on the Esplanade.  I have eaten there on several occasions and the meals are always enjoyable, well prepared and exceptional value.

 Accommodation: Banjo Paterson Motor Inn, 131 Esplanade, Lakes Entrance VIC, Ph 03 5155 2933

DAY 2 – Saturday 28 September 2019

The day starts at 6:30am for the mandatory daily briefing and everyone is expected to be there. We head off at 6:45am on our BreakFast Club early morning run to Orbost.  Although this stage of the day is only 134km we will all be ready for a hearty breakfast.  Upon arrival at Orbost we will have a delightful, well-earned Big Breakfast at the Orbost Bakery, washed down with ‘we hope good coffee’.

The drive to Bruthen and on to Buchan is a lovely stress-free drive.  Then a magical run from Buchan to Orbost takes us through some of the best country.  What a fabulous way to start the day. This is what the BreakFast Club is all about.

Breakfast:  Orbost Bakery, 121 Nicholson Street, Orbost Vic 3888.

For the next stage of the tour, everyone should have an extra drink and a snack to keep your energy levels up.  The run up and down the mountains will get your adrenalin pumping.  The cornering ability of your MX-5, that you have already explored over the previous stages; put you in the box seat to enjoy this stage to the max.  Ahead there are a wide range of narrow rural roads that will keep you focused.  At times on the long not so straight stretches you will be wondering; why we are going this way?  You will soon find the answer, and what an answer you will get.  Once you’ve checked-out the view, your nervousness will melt away.  It is here you take a deep breath and get yourself in the right frame of mind to attack the hill climbs and the downhill descents.  This section is very demanding with blind corners that tighten-up and tighten again.  The double esses and switchbacks need to be treated with respect.  Be ready for some wonderful vistas, the changes to the landscape are a feast for the eyes.  The road itself will be speaking to you at more than a whisper.  Occasionally loud voices will sound a warning in your head; take heed, it is real.  Each of us should be a better driver for the experience of this tour.  At least that is the plan.  This road is best enjoyed without the need to write anything about the experience.  There will be plenty spoken after the drive this morning.

We arrive at the Bonang Highway Junction, what an opportunity.  MX-5 NIRVANA; we can have the opportunity to attack the top section of the Bonang again.  I for one cannot resist the “High” I get driving this section of the road. It gets better every time I drive it.   feel at one with my MX-5; knowing that any demand I make of her, she will reward me with sheer exhilaration.  The grip levels of this fantastic car focus the mind and allow me to enter the "Zone". By the time I arrive at the top again the adrenalin boost is at the max.  I am on cloud nine.

Once the cars are re-assembled after the “Bonang Stint”; we head for TwoFold Bay and a well-earned rest at the TwoFold Bay Motor Inn.  Once there everyone will gather and enjoy our Happy Hour by the pool.  Dinner is in Fisherman’s Club Restaurant across the road from the Motel.

Accommodation: TwoFold Bay Motor Inn, 164-166 Imlay Street, Eden, NSW, 2551, Ph: 02 6496 3111

 DAY 3 – Sunday 29 September 2019

We are gathered together at 6:30am for the days briefing.  Everyone will have their car ready for the day before the day begins.  At 7:30am we leave the TwoFold Bay Motor Inn for a fantastic day of MX-5 Driving.  We head for Candelo for our morning coffee and cake indulgence.  We head to Cooma and The Lott Store for a well-earned breakfast.  After breakfast we say our goodbyes and head for home, which should see the Sydney folk in Campbelltown by early afternoon.

Get ready for the trip of a lifetime, true bucket list experience.