Surf & Turf Bundeena Run

Sun 24 August 2014
Hungry Jacks, Hayward Bay
8:30am for 9:00am start
Peter & Janet Wheeldon, 0418 490 253,
Morning tea $6.50, Bundeena Ferry $6.40

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Start gathering at Yallah Hungry Jacks from 8:30am for a 9.00am departure. We will then drive through the twisty roads to the old mining town of Mt Kembla, then on to the old Princes Highway to Sublime Point Look Out where you can admire the beautiful views of the Illawarra. We will stop here for morning tea a great cup of coffee or tea and beautiful scones with jam and cream. The cost of morning tea is $6.50 per person and numbers will be required.

We will then head back on the Old Princes Highway, driving through Helensburgh to Bald Hill and then through the Royal National Park to Bundeena.

After parking our car, we will board the Bundeena ferry at 12.00pm for a round trip to Cronulla. This takes approximately one hour and we then head back to Bundeena for a great lunch and fantastic views over the water at Bundeena RSL club. The club is renowned for great steaks and cold beer.

Home to the Illawarra will be via the coast road over the Sea Cliff Bridge.