Swanes Nursery, Dural for Lunch

Wed 25 September 2019
McDonalds at McGrath Hill
10.00am for 10.30am depart.
Brigid Gallop, 0428 114401, brigidgallop@hotmail.com

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Come along with your MX5 friends for a lovely midweek excursion to Swanes Nursery at Dural .   We will meet at McGrath Hill at 10.00 and head off for a comfortable drive to Dural  at about 10.30.   Swanes is an institution in Dural and a stroll through the Nursery and Shop is a lovely distraction for a spring afternoon.  Lunch is booked for 12.30pm

Let Brigid know on   brigidgallop@hotmail    by the 18th September if you would like to come along.