Sydney Chapter Dinner Meeting

Wed 04 September 2013
Waverton North Sydney Club. Woolcott Street Waverton
6:30pm for Dinner, 7:30 for Meeting
Guy Coles, 0419 914 443,

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Join us for the first official meeting of the Sydney Chapter of the MX-5 Club of NSW!

Come and meet other members of the Sydney Chapter – both North and South and hear some of the plans for the Chapter for the following year as well as Graham Fletcher from the RPM Chapter has offered to give a presentation on planning and running a run.

We will be looking for people who are interested in organising and leading Sydney Chapter runs for the year as well as other helping with social events, so your input on the night would be greatly appreciated.

Coffee and refreshments will be available as will dinner but it is recommended that those wishing to dine should let me know prior to the event as we need a minimum number for the kitchen to be opened.

Please RSVP for dinner, PLUS the first 30 people that register that they are coming (don’t have to come for dinner) and turn up on the night will receive an MX-5 Club of NSW - Sydney Chapter cap.