Tallagandra Hill Winery & Chocolate Run

Sun 25 August 2013
McDonalds at Exhibition Park, Cnr Stirling Ave & Federal Hwy, Watson
Ken Keeling, 0427 510 965, kendiana@bigpond.net.au

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The Canberra Chapter Tallagandra Hill Winery & Chocolate Run is scheduled for Sunday 25th August.

 It will be a late morning run for:

  • an early-ish lunch (order as you go - pasta, lamb-shanks & etc.) at the Capital Wines Epicurean Centre, Gundaroo;
  • a post-lunch formal wine-tasting at Tallagandra Hill Wines(@ $5/head);
  • followed by coffee and chocolates at Robyn Rowe Chocolates, Nanima Rd, - Robyn will demonstrate the art of her award winning chocolate-making at 3pm.

Assemble at 10.45 am Sunday 25th August at McDonalds at Exhibition Park, Cnr Stirling Ave & Federal Hwy, Watson, for a 11.00 am departure, via some of the back roads, to Gundaroo to start the afternoon with lunch.

Contact is: Run Leader - Ken Keeling  by e-mail  kendiana@bigpond.net.au or SMS text to 0427 510 965.

Expression of interest to Run Leader by Friday 16th August.