The 'Burbs To The Bay Run

Wed 01 October 2014
McDonalds Dartbrook Rd Auburn
9:00am for 9:30am start
Andy Bottomley, 0488 998 510,

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There will be a mix of traffic controls, curvy corners and coastal cruising. We start at a well known pick me up spot in a central spot of Sydney, take a tour on part of one of Sydney's longest roads, stop for a rest and pick up a few more members, do some curvy corners, pass some costly craft, end up at the end of the world, as some may call it, where there are two options to take up some time prior to lunch, but wait there's more, after that we will climb a mountain to see another world, as some may call it.

Waypoint: St Ives Showground Conway Ave St Ives North
End Point: Palm Beach

If you would like a change we could do a picnic instead of the cafe. Give me your thoughts at least 2 weeks prior, then majority rules. There will be a plan B if the weather is not the best.

I will need a 'Tail End Charlie' with a 2 way radio.