Valleys & Vines Run
The drive takes up Jamberoo Mountain pass that has recently been hot mixed and is now smooth as a baby's. Great scenery on the Tourist Road Nth West of Robertson past the Wingecaribee Reservoir and on to the picturesque Fitzroy Falls visitors centre for morning tea. More bendy bits on Moss Vale Rd and on to beautiful Kangaroo Valley. Then to Berry via the scenic (and curvy) Kangaroo Valley Rd. A thankfully short drive on the Princess Highway to turn right towards lunch at the fantastic Mountain Ridge Wines - lunch venue with a great view
- The lunch venue will not split bills –those attending MUST pay cash for lunch to the organiser on the day
- Lunch orders MUST be provided to the venue IN ADVANCE
- Acceptances, together with lunch orders (see web booking page), must be received by Friday 10th May 2019 at the latest