Weekend away to Canberra

Sat 19 October 2024
2 days (19 October - 20 October)
Meet at the Hawkesbury Information Centre, 328 Hawkesbury Valley way Clarendon, opposite the Richmond RAAF base. Second waypoint/pickup + morning tea McDonalds Kelso, cnr Pat O'Leary Drive and GWH Kelso 10.00am
7.30 for an 8.am start
Jacqui Quester, 0401918473, j.quester@bigpond.com
Ron Quester, 0405178505, r.quester@bigpond.com
Run Style
Waypoint Run


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After the popularity of last year's run, this year will be a waypoint run.

Waypoint 1. Start point 2. Kelso McDonalds for morning tea plus pick up. 3. Telegraph Hotel , Gunning for lunch. 4. Ramada Diplomat Hotel Canberra. Jacqui has booked 10 rooms at $148-00 per room for the Saturday night. Please advise Jacqui if you require a room and she will transfer it into your name with payment on arrival. Dinner and breakfast at the hotel with reasonable pricing. On Sunday we will be going toe the National Gallery from 10.00 to 12noon. (bookings are required) Anyone wishing to go elsewhere, (after all the gallery is not everyone's cup of tea)please make your own arrangements. We will then meet at the Lake George Hotel, Bungendore for lunch. Trip home is your choice.

EFT facilities are available in all venues with BYO available.

Please advise Jacqui of any special dietary requirements via email: j.quester@bigpond.com

RSVP by the 1/10/24 using the Book Now Button.