Wyong Milk Factory

Sun 22 May 2016
Wyong Milk Factory - 141 Alison Rd, Wyong NSW 2259
9:00am for Morning Tea
Lindsay and Helen, 0422470118, hunter@mx5.com.au

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Start the morning by meeting at the Wyong Milk Factory at 9:00am for a social catchup over some morning tea.
Here you can enjoy the local produce from an award winning producer of cheese, yoghurt and a hand crafted gourmet chocolatier! (and of course a milkshake from the Cafe!)


- Alternatively, if you would like to join us for an early morning blast around the Old Pacific Highway and Peats Ridge Road, please meet at the Twin Servos (Caltex M1 South Bound) at 7:00am for a 7:30am leave. Lindsay and Helen will lead us on a fun route up Dog Trap Road onto Peats Ridge Road, along the Old Pacific Highway and loop back down Dog Trap Road to get to the Wyong Milk Factory for 9:00am to meet everyone else for morning tea.


At 10:00am After your fill of milkshakes from the Cafe, Helen and Lindsay will lead the way to Broke via the Old Northern Road where we will meet up with the RPM Chapter for lunch at Catherine Vale Vineyard where there will be free wine tasting on offer! RSVP is required so we can let the vineyard know how many people are coming.


Lunch at the vineyard is BYO (perhaps some cheese purchases from the Wyong Milk Factory?)

**BYO Chairs**



How to get from the M1 to the Wyong Milk Factory:



Morning Tea Meeting Point: Wyong Milk Factory

BYO Lunch Destination: Catherine Vale Winery