Wyong Milk Factory Tavern for Lunch

Wed 24 April 2019
McDonalds at McGrath Hill
9.30am for 10.00am start
Brigid Gallop, 0428 114401, brigidgallop@hotmail.com

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CAMS Permit No: 219/2404/02

Ron and Brigid will lead a run from McGrath Hill McDonalds through Dural and the beautiful Galston Gorge onto the Hawksbury and beyond to Wyong.

There will be some freeway driving but no Etag is required.

Our second pick-up and comfort or morning tea stop will be at Mt. Colah at about 11am.

Then onto Mooney Mooney and the M1 to Wyong.

Lunches range from about $16 to $32

Please let Brigid and Ron know if you are coming by emailing them on brigidgallop@hotmail.com       RSVP by 16th april.