Xmas Fish & Chip Twilight Run - Berowra Waters Cafe

Sat 12 December 2015
McDonalds McGraths Hill - Corner of Groves Ave and Windsor Roads
3.00pm for a 3.30pm leave
Graham Fletcher, 0409782419, fletcgj@westnet.com.au
Participants Own

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It's Christmas time again already. Time to break out the silly hats, tinsel and Christmas cheer.

For those amongst us who enjoy beautiful scenery and an afternoon by the waterfront then the RPM Xmas run wil surely impress.


Dinner will be waterfront and can be either BYO, BBQ or fabulous Fish and Chips from the Berowra Waters Cafe- an always popular run.


Dress up your MX5 Xmas style for a chance to win a prize.


Please familiarise yourself with the location: http://www.berowrawatersfishcafe.com.au    Menu: http://www.berowrawatersfishcafe.com.au/#menu-6

RSVP via email to fletcpg@westnet.com.au by the 5th December.


Please arrive by 3.00pm for the pre run briefing before a 3.30pm leave

The Fish and Chip Run is a Cruiser run with a "C" grading and will involve the group going to Berowra Waters via Arcadia and the Northern Road. Return trip is to Windsor via the reverse  route.

Please forward suitable photos taken on the day to fletcgj@westnet.cm.au for inclusion in Club Torque