Zoom Lunch

Fri 27 August 2021
Meet at your lunch table
12 Noon
Chris and Barbara Wyatt, 0428604138, cwyatt@bigpond.com
Bring your own

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Hi all. Due to Covid we have been forced to postpone our lunch time get togethers. 

So to save us all from going slowly insane our friends John and Frances have suggested we should have a lunch together over Zoom. Don't know how? It's easy Just send me an email on cwyatt@bigpond.com and I will send you a link. On Friday just get your lunch next to your device and at 12 o'clock click on the link and follow the easy instructions.

Show off your cooking skills and make us all drool or just enjoy the company. Whatever you do on the day just come. We all need to get together and have a catch up.