2013 Presentation and Christmas Lunch

22 March 2014 / Words by Bob Judd, photos by Tony McDonald and Fiona Sheddon

43 members and 5 guests attended the Canberra Chapter’s annual Presentation and Christmas Lunch in mid-December at Grazing Restaurant, Gundaroo.  On a brilliant Canberra summer’s day, in what is fast becoming a club tradition, long-time member Paul Beerworth (dare I call him ‘Club Stalwart’?) led a convoy of members over the 50 km or so to Gundaroo in time for the festivities.  No problems with ‘roofs down’ this year!

For such a large group, we were able to secure the best room in the house, which meant we had privacy for the day and didn’t have to deal with interruptions from the general public.  Just as well, as the noise generated by our group can, sometimes, be quite daunting!

The usual Christmas crackers greeted the diners, which always starts the conversations going with their ‘hilarious’ jokes and looney paper hats to bring people together.  Bricet also provided little gift packs of home baked gingerbread and rumballs for all to take home as a memento.

We were graced this year by the presence of a visibly less-hirsute Club President, Bryan Sheddon, and his family, Fiona and Alex, who came along to enjoy the occasion and make a special presentation.  Unbeknownst to both the recipient and the multitudes, our Club Stalwart (yes, I can call him that!) Paul Beerworth, was presented with Life Membership of the MX-5 Club of NSW for his lengthy service and dedication to the Club.  Paul becomes the first, and only, Life Member from our Chapter.  Congratulations to Paul from every member in Canberra, both past and present!

It was also an appropriate occasion to present local members with their Tenure Badges.  Both 10‑year and 5-year badges were presented by Bryan, and a big ‘Thank You’ was given to local club sponsor, Peter Battisson, whose donation made the badges possible. 

After enjoying a 3-course meal of a very high standard, the serious business of speeches began.  Members who had taken the time and made the effort to organise one of our many runs for the year were presented with a bottle of wine as recognition and encouragement to do the same again in the future.

The Motorsport Member of the Year trophy was presented to Ed Cory, who had an eventful and very successful year on the track.

In a case of deja-vu all over again, the Member of the Year Trophy went to Ken Keeling, but this year he had to share it with his lovely partner Diana.  Ken and Diana not only organised the entire year’s runs calendar, they also took groups away to Noosa, the Snowy Mountains and the Dubbo Zoo. 

After devouring the last of the cheese platters and final drinks, the group wandered off home sated, and happy in the knowledge that the Canberra Chapter continues to thrive and prosper.