Chilly Chilly Zoom Zoom Iceberg Run 2013

17 August 2013 / Keith Manion


The Club’s annual dawn buster run for MX-5s follows the AHOC Brass Monkey that is compelled to stick to highways due to the number and types of cars.  This restriction that does not apply to the Iceberg Runs that target MX-5 driver’s roads.  In 2013 the route rotation was north and there is no better way of going north than up the Putty Road.  A special thanks to Keith Manion for stepping up and here is his report:-

“Thanks to all those who participated this year, the weather was kind, the roads were empty, and the police were all somewhere else, perfect conditions for the 16 cars and the 25 hardy souls who braved the Iceberg 2013.  This year the route was fast and easy with no black ice (well, not much) to contend with.  As always the Putty Rd provided a good mix of conditions and corners, and apart from those guys in the white Landcruiser, who proved that a Landcruiser can do !&@ problems with the traffic.
As always Michael (Midori) did wonderful job and he deserves the credit for this year's run.  I led because Jimi was stationed away in Woolgoolga for his course, and I know he was sorry to miss it.  The run took us through the fantastic corners in the gorge, past hot air balloons rising through the mist in the Hunter Valley, to the beautiful Hunter Valley Gardens for an enjoyable breakfast and get together.  Thanks again to all who participated, and thanks to those who also shared their photos with us all.  Roll on Iceberg 2014 heading west over the Blue Mountains.”

A picture says a thousand words and Kaitlin West was well positioned by Andrew Lord to take some exceptional photos posted on the Forum in a well crafted collage.  Many of the images show the beauty of a dawn buster run from an open MX-5 that justify getting up at sparrows fart.  The link to the page is

PS.  A special word of praise for our self appointed “Captain Slow”, the last to arrive with the wisest grin.