Committee Confidential August 2021

09 August 2021

Committee Confidential

August 2021

This is to give you an overview on what the committee is working on. 

The following is some of the items that the committee has been working on for you and your club. 


NatMeet planning was discussed and is underway for 2022 and the proposed date is 19 to 23 April 2022

Club Torque

Warren Lewington is leading the team of himself Stephen Carter and Aaron Lewis to take over the production of the Club Torque magazine.  Please give the as much support as you can with this project.

30Th Anniversary Celebrations/Presidents Picnic

Currently this celebration is booked for Oct 10 depending on COVID

Committee positions

Both the Secretary and Treasure have been filled.  I would like to thank Phil Donnelley for taking on the role of secretary and Louis Serret taking on the role of treasure. 

Our Vice President, Lesa Bunn has tendered her resignation, taking affect at the next AGM.  I would like to thank Lesa for all the hard work and support she has given the club in this role and other projects she has worked on for the club.  We are now looking for a replacement for this role.


Keith Monaghan

