Convenor's BBQ and Mystery Run

08 May 2018 / Report and Photos: Norm Barker

It was a glorious Canberra sunny and unseasonably warm day on Saturday, 21 April 2018, as the group of 22 members in 13 cars gathered to enjoy the annual Convenor's BBQ Mystery Run. Following the drivers’ briefing, Wal and Jane Hick were left to give out the instructions/question sheets and stagger the start. Norm, Roz, and Michael Guina headed off to the finish to set up and start the BBQ. The finish was at the Kambah Woolshed, the remains of the woolshed from the property now in the middle of the suburb of Kambah in Canberra’s south. It is an ideal venue with plenty of parking, 4 BBQs and rustic undercover tables and seats in the old woolshed which has been turned into an open picnic facility.

The route took the run to around many Canberra landmarks with observation questions along the way. After many stops, with some taking advantage of the coffee van near the Carillon for a coffee break (luckily the run was not timed), the run then headed out of the city centre through Woden and over the ridge to the Tuggeranong Valley, around Mt Taylor and down to the Kambah Woolshed.

As the last car arrived we started eating and appetites were good. The catering worked out just right, a relief for the organisers. Much discussion ensued on some of the questions and during lunch Roz Barker marked the question sheets. One of the most creative answers was to the question, “Who was Vivian Bullwinkle Rd in the Russell Offices complex name after”, answer “Rocky and Bullwinkle’s mother”, incorrect. There was one clear winner – new members Rod and Maryanne Nicholas won first prize of a bottle of red, Tony and Iris McDonald second choosing the chocolates, with Peter and Wendy Coonan third, happy with the bottle of sparkling wine. The group chatted for some time in a bright sunny day, spread out and relaxed. The run was a success and we appreciated the help of all of the members mentioned above including some of the creative answers.