COVID-19 Procedure Update 8 Dec 20

11 December 2020

Below is the latest issue of the clubs COVID-19 procedure.

There are major changes that relate to the latest regulations.

Keith Monaghan



Mazda MX-5 Club of NSW and COVID-19


The following are the procedures that come into effect on 8th December 2020 and will be current until further notice.  These supersede all previous COVID-19 procedures.


  •         All Club events, both indoor and outdoor, will require potential participants to register for an event on the Club Events page by the Google forms or email system set up for that event.  Maximum number of people that can attend an event in NSW is outdoors 100.  Indoors they must meet the two square metres rule for each person. For the Canberra chapter the number of people who can attend an event within the boundaries of the ACT is 200.
  •         Motorsport is the exception as these events come under the control of the governing bodies regulations for the sport and the club’s motorsport procedures.
  •         Events are now open to visitors as per the club rules.
  •         Only participants who have entered by the appropriate form or email can attend an event.  Under no circumstances will any member or members be allowed to tag along, as this is increasing the risk to the organiser and other Club participants of being fined.  The organizer will pass the list of participants to the Membership Database Secretary for record keeping.
  •         All the current COVID-19 restrictions must be complied with including social distancing rules which are one person per two square metres.  This covers both NSW and the ACT.
  •         All participants are strongly advised to have downloaded the COVID Safe App and are required to carry personal hand sanitiser.
  •         All members must carry a face mask and must use it when social distancing cannot be maintained.  This is a link to information on the correct masks and their use.
  •         The submitting of the Google form or email entry to an event is the participant’s acknowledgement and agreement to abide by the current COVID-19 procedures and the Club’s current event requirements and regulations.
  •         If any member attending an event, or about to attend an event, shows any signs of a cold or flu symptoms they must leave and not attend any future events until these symptoms have passed.  If possible, they should supply proof of a negative COVID-19 test prior to participating in any further events.
  •         After attending a Club event, if any member is diagnosed with COVID-19 they must, as soon as possible, notify the Club, via the run leader or Club Captain, so that other members who have come into contact with them can be advised.


This is critical as many of our members are in or close to the age group identified as highest risk.


The latest health information can be found at: