Drivers Run

24 March 2025 / Story: Brian Clayton; Photos: Brian Clayton and Geoff Smith

Drivers Run

20 March, 2025

A lovely sunny morning saw a “bunch of blokes” with their MX5 cars arrive at the North Nowra starting point. All fuelled up we set off on our run through the lower parts of Cambewarra and up over the mountain into Kangaroo Valley. Fortunately, the two fire trucks we had followed up and over the mountain turned off in the valley leaving a clear run up Barrengarry.

A run through the highlands was pleasantly interrupted with a coffee stop at Exeter General Store. We have visited this establishment in the past and it is highly recommended for both morning coffee and lunch (and a place to post a letter if needed).

After coffee and suitably rested we headed off for a short stint on the freeway until we reached the Canyonleigh turn off. Following the road towards Canyonleigh we enjoyed reasonable bitumen until we reached the village where we were met by a section of reasonable gravel. This came as a bit of a shock to some of our participants but the road proved to be in reasonable condition, albeit a bit dusty. There were sections of small corrugations and apart from the rather potholed section where it crossed a creek bed, the road improved as we progressed.

Keith Monaghan assumed an additional role as “tail end charlie” and gate closer for the paddock fences we encountered.

On reaching Brayton we turned up Brayton Road, originally the Old Government Road, surveyed in Mitchell’s time. It is easy to imagine the old bullock wagons picking their way between the ridges and across creek crossings as these tracks were the basis of today’s roads in the area.

A bit more gravel (and dust) and then we found ourselves on the highway into Goulburn. Finding the Hibernian Hotel (in the main street) proved a challenge for some but eventually we all enjoyed a nice lunch and a couple of “coldies”.

After lunch we set out on the road through Windellama to Nerriga and home. The road is continually being upgraded (annoying when the tractors are present) but in surprisingly good condition. Even the causeway at Nerriga is being attended (finally).

I suppose the Breakfast Club does this sort of thing all the time but it was a new experience for our chapter and I am sure all would agree, a great success. Let’s do it again.