Gloucester River Winery - Highways and Byways

15 June 2024 / Judith Hansen


Sixteen members with nine MX5 cars gathered on the 18th May for a trip up to Gloucester.

Highways and Byways - well, one highway to Nabiac, where we gathered at The Greenhouse for a delicious morning tea. Then off to Gloucester via Krambach. Rain was intermittent and we viewed beautiful countryside through the mists and could feel the temperature dropping.

Our destination was Gloucester River Wines, an organic winery. John showed us the latest technologies and methods for producing his wines. No more stomping of grapes! There are not many vines yet and he often bids for a row or two of the grapes from another vineyard. There are lovely gardens and farm animals, pretty guinea fowls and a large bull were popular. Lunch was grazing plates and tasting of the winery’s products.

Thanks to John and Susan Little for organising this run that was enjoyable and educational. Thanks to Wayne Lang for the photos.

Judith Hansen