Hunter Chapter Run to President's Picnic and Concours d'Elegance

29 September 2013 / Report by Bob Pimm and Mark Gray

The questions were, will we make it to Ebenezer in time for anyone interested to enter Concours and/or will the predicted rain spoil the whole event?

At the final Hunter Chapter meeting before the run, it was decided to split the group in two. Bob Pimm leading one group from our normal starting place at Beresfield BP to proceed along the Putty Road, and Mark Gray leading the other group from the south heading from Central Coast Service Centre along the M1 Pacific Motorway. Both groups intended to leave at 8:00am. The Concours and Bling entrants thereby had a trip of about two hours. The Putty Roaders more like three and a half hours.

Bobs Group (A)

With coffees downed, rest rooms visited and run directions discussed it was time to head for Ebenezer. Rain overnight held the chance of a dampish Putty Road. But the rain had mainly dried up and the further our band of five MX-5s travelled south the better the weather became. Stopping at the Grey Gum Café for refreshments of sausage rolls and more coffee for some and of course the toilets for all. Then it was back in our cars and on to the Picnic, arriving in time to line our cars up with the rest and enjoy a great day with fellow MX-5ers.

Marks Group (B)

Drizzle overnight in the Hunter region looked like it may dampen the M1 dash down to Ebenezer but with the early rise for final preparations and meet at the southbound Service Centre, seven MX-5s joined the Concours and Bling group on an almost non-stop drive to the Presidents Picnic. With a slight detour for a comfort rest at Windsor, we arrived with time to do those final show 'n' shine and empty boots and get prime spots.

My MX-5 completed a 1200km road trip throughout Northern NSW just days before, which left me with one day to prepare it for my first try at Concours (good training for Natmeet 2014). It was a good opportunity learn what is required to be at Concours level which proved a very competitive criteria. I have learnt much from this time and looking forward to the next opportunity.

Hunter Chapter didn't come out empty of a prize on the day with Diann Miller picking up the  Le Beau Prix MX-5 de Dames trophy. Diann has done all the work herself without any other outside help and is very worthy of this award, so a big congratulations to her.

After a great celebration of the President's Picnic along with catching up with our fellow chapter friends it was time to say goodbyes and with some retracing the drive back along the Putty Road to the north again. Driving back that way late afternoon is certainly a challenge as you have to make sure your co-driver is on Kanga Watch, but lucky we all arrived into the Hunter Valley safely just on dark.