Hunter - Country River-Run

04 September 2024 / Story Glenn Hawkins, Pics David Gazzard

We had a good turnout as 14 cars with 24 Hunter Chapter members turned up to the
Hunter Valley Tourist Information Centre in what I would describe as fairly ordinary overcast
conditions with intermittent rain, Jen and George ran through the briefing with what to
expect on the road.
Mx 5 owners being predominantly optimists the group set off with a majority opting for
top-down. Hope was soon dashed as the rain started and we had to pause to raise roofs
which was the right call as the rain was rather consistent for the entire day but we wove
through the Valley with Jen supplying some interesting stories about the Greta Migrant
camp (where George was born) that just had their 75-year commemorative reunion in which
they were involved.
We continued on to Gresford where we opted to use the bowling club car park and found a
degree of shelter to be had in the under-cover area of the building next door most folk were
happy to stretch their legs for a bit then we headed off for our next leg to Dungog via Bingle
Burra Rd then back down to Wallarobba Rd be fore our final run to Patterson for our lunch
stop at the Patterson Tavern which I was great service was prompt and the food enjoyable so
much so that some stayed on till around 3:00pm
All in all thank you very much Jen & George for an enjoyable day out.