Hunter MOTY Presentations

18 December 2020 / Written by: John Purcell, Chris Cameron. Photos: David Gazzard, John Purcell

Our Christmas Party gave us the opportunity to present some of the MOTY awards to our chapter members.

The Hunter’s New Member of the Year award went to Glenn Hawkins and Denise Birrell who had put their hand up to lead and organise a number of great runs during the year.

The Hunter’s Member of the Year was a surprise as the winners have been in the Hunter Chapter for many years. This well-deserved award went to Barry and Jenny Luttrell. It’s likely that their participation as members of different committees over the years exempted them, so all the more important that they have been recognised this year.

The Hunter’s Motorsport member of the Year was a big surprise to the couple who received it. This award went to Peter Barnwell and Kim Jacobs.

On behalf of our Chapter members, we would like to congratulate all our winners and thank them for their commitment in a year that presented many new challenges.

John & Chris