Illawarra Charity Weekend in the Hunter

08 June 2017 / Words by Gary Williams, Photos by Jan Gibson & Gary Williams

For many people, Sunday is a day of quiet contemplation - particularly Sunday morning. A time of gently rebuilding the intensity of energy that will be called for in the coming week. Not so for club members on this very social weekend by the Illawarra Chaper.

The Illawarra Chapter started from Bulli Tops and then up the Northern Road where they united with Sydney-based members at Bligh Park. It was all in an attempt to keep off all the main roads in Sydney and to allow good entry to the Putty Road.

Quite a number of Illawarra chapter members had never driven the Putty Road before and one has to marvel at this incredible drive that left most of these Putty 'virgins' with an insatiable thirst. By the time we made it to Potters Brewery on Wine Country Drive, it was a thirst that prevented some of these drivers continuing - wisely enforcing a driver change in most cars before safe passage could be negotiated to the evenings accommodation.

Once settled into our rooms, Jan offered Bryan a drive of her new Abarth 124 Spider and they disappeared for quick spin to Bar Beach. While the cats away, the mice will play! Jan's parking spot was quickly filled with chairs and tables stacked with assorted snacks, cheeses and crackers. By the time they returned, the party was well underway. Eventually dinner called and it was a short walk down the road to The Nag's Head pub where we were also joined by several Hunter members. A great night out!

The highlight of the trip was the Sunday charity lunch, where many chapters took up the Hunter Chapter's invitation to soak up the sunshine at Mulla Villa in Wollombi, surrounded by dozens and dozens of MX-5s. We all left on Sunday afternoon, feeling better for the knowledge that we supported Careflight, which is a great cause, to the tune of well over $3,000.