Kangaroo Valley 2023
15 January 2023 / Words: Jeff Rowe. Photos: Senia Gaunson.
7 th January 2023.
This event has become a bit of a tradition for the Illawarra Chapter. The first run of the new calendar year usually organized and led by Bryan Shedden.
This year Bryan, Fiona and Alex have taken a holiday over the seas, to Tasmania, so have entrusted the organizing of the event to Chapter Convenors, Bob and Senia Gaunson and the leading of the run to Chapter Members Jeff and Pam Rowe.
Weather has always been a talking point with this run. We have had torrential rain, scorching heat waves, too hot for the ladies to sit on the toilet seat at the dinner venue, (you wanted to know that I’m sure) and have had to cancel the event due to bush fires and of-course the dreaded COVID.
This year the weather was very acceptable. There had been a little rain but when our group of 31 members in 18 cars set off from Haywards Bay the skies were overcast with a light breeze the best roof off weather. There were members
from four chapters, Illawarra, Sydney, South Coast and RPM.
As you’ll see in the attached photos the cars in all models and colors looked fabulous travelling along in convoy. Many of us have done this run before. For Jeff and Pam to lead it was relatively easy because Bryan had given them a copy of his run notes from previous years and they were familiar with the route having been of the run a number of times in the past.
You can never tell what is waiting for you on one of these, what should be a straight forward, runs. We all got our run notes and got a run briefing from Jeff set our CB Radios to the required channel and set our odometer to zero. At 4.30pm. we were all lined up ready for the off. Our run was mostly along country back roads with no traffic signals. The group should stay together without too much trouble.
Before setting off Kerry and Jacqui had agreed to be ‘Tail-end-Charlie’. They have done this many times before as Kerry drives a big bold yellow Mustang and prefers not be in the middle of the MX-5’s. As I will explain shortly this proved to be a good choice.
Our route took us out the back roads of Albion Park up Macquarie Pass along the Tourist Road to do a loop back to Robertson. From there we travelled along more good MX-5 roads, always mindful for the possibility of ‘Pot Holes’ until we then turned onto Nowra Road towards Kangaroo Valley. I will have more to say about the ‘Pot Holes’ later. On the winding road into the valley, we came up behind a milk tanker. The driver pulled off the road at his earliest opportunity and allowed us to pass. I heard many horns sounding in appreciation of his courtesy. I should get back and tell you why having Kerry as our ‘Tail-end-Charlie’ proved to be a good decision. On an event in October of last year, members Barry and Robyn had a breakdown going up Macquarie Pass. Kerry was there with them and between Kerry and Barry they were able to get Barry and Robyn’s car going so they could continue on the run. It’s hard to believe but in the exact same place on Macquarie Pass Barry and Robyn broke down again. It’s not known yet if it’s the same problem but the boys got the car going again. They didn’t do the loop on the Tourist Road but went straight to Robertson saving some 30 klm. The highlight of this for Barry was that he got to drive Kerry’s Mustang. As the rest of the convoy went through Robertson, Kerry, Jacqui, Barry and Robyn joined the group.
On the run notes Bryan had said the run would take approximately 90 minutes. That proved to be very close as we arrived all safe and sound in the valley at the Friendly Inn Hotel around 6 pm.
Our usual tables, outside undercover were reserved, with members from the South Coast Chapter already there enjoying a drink and dinner. This made our number 35 for dinner. Those of us that just arrived join what became a long queue to order our meals. Drinks were bought and the chat and laughter began. Meals started to arrive and we all ate a hearty dinner which lived up to its usual good standard. No one went hungry and we were well looked after by the venue staff.
Did I say we all arrived safe and sound at the hotel. Well not quite. Bill and Janice hit a pot hole as we neared the hotel and punctured the front and rear tyres on the passenger’s side. On checking the car after dinner Bill found that both tyres were flat. Despite the offer of repair kits, as these were Run Flat tyres, Bill was confident he and Janice could travel home safely on them, even though it will be a slow trip. Jeff and Pam said they would follow them home to make sure all was well. We travelled home slowly at speeds between 40 and 60 kl/hr. The tyres got hot but seemed to be doing the job they were designed for well. As we got closer to Wollongong, Bill and Janice decided they would take their car to their daughter’s home, who lived much closer to where we were so that would mean less distance to travel. They arrived there safely and Jeff and Pam bid them good night. No doubt there will be two new tyres fitted this week.
Wally and Pat had offered to follow Barry and Robyn home, just in case they had another issue with their car. As it turned out the car did ‘play up’ and stop on the way but after a short time restarted. They then travelled home safely. Good job Wally and Pat. More problem solving to be done here.
While this is all happening Bryan and Ann’s car stopped near Yallah. Ian and Franchesca stopped to offerassistance to no avail. Bob and Senia came to offer help again to no avail. Bryan thought it may be a problem with the fuel pump or some dirty fuel. It would not run so NRMA was called. Bryan and Ann joined the NRMA there and then. As new members of the Road Side Service they were taken home on a recovery vehicle. During the time they had to wait to be picked up Bryan, using phones as torches, was showing Ian and Bob a mark on his front bumper from a ‘brush’ he had with a wombat. They were close to the road edge so Franchesca was being the protective ‘mother hen’ constantly telling everyone to get away from the edge of the road with the speeding traffic.
Bryan and Ann also arrived home safely.
Thank you, Ian, Franchesca, Bob and Senia. Some fault finding to be done here for Bryan.
This run is always popular and this one kept up the tradition. When you get a larger number of vehicles in your group there is always the chance of an issue. This run just had a few more. Beside the great time we all had one of the best things to come out of this year’s run, that it may be remembered for, is the friendship amongst the club members and the support that is there for each other when it’s needed.
Many of us will look forward to what next year’s event will bring.