Lake George & Gundaroo Run

21 April 2013 / Malcolm Bernhardt

Canberra Chapter April Run – Malcolm’s Lake George Run

If the truth be known, I’m a geriatric hoon. But it’s funny, because leading a run I taper right off – I want to protect my ‘charges’ you see. Well, that’s what I mumbled to the Mex anyway, which otherwise would have been wondering to itself, what the - - - ‘s going on? Ambling along at well below the speed limit!

That’s a bit of backdrop to the April run which was an easy country drive to Lake George followed by a lunch at the Gundaroo Wine Bar. The other background was using Murphy’s Law to determine the weather, ‘cos this run was originally intended to finish with an outdoor picnic. But, knowing full well that Canberra weather at the end of April would be sleet, hail and general cold misery I changed it to an indoor lunch. So what did we get on the day? - magnificent soft sunshine with a calm wind, just ideal to be outdoors and having a picnic.

In the event, 18 happy people started with hot coffee and good conversation at the Gold Creek Café. Then, having cleared the cobwebs out of our eyes, we jumped in the shiny carriages and headed NE towards Lake George.

The route we took was via the Old Federal Highway. While this is single lane each way, the undulating road offers a pleasant windy drive, with good views of the surrounding countryside and is mostly free of traffic. Cyclists use the road as a training route for the same reason, and I came upon 3 such riders going the same way, happily spread out across of the road. While they politely moved into single file as I came close to them, they must have taken my thank you wave as being it, because they then moved back out across the road again, not realizing that there were eight more cars up their tails. Ahh, the pleasures of motoring.

Lake George has near but dried up now, possibly a smidgen of water out in the centre but that’s about all. Interesting to contemplate that at one time this was a full lake with small waves lapping up against the built up road.

From the Lake, it was a short journey via Shingle Hill Way to connect with the road to Gundaroo. The Max Crow Wine Bar at Gundaroo has recently extended it facilities and it’s become a popular family venue. So we finished our run here, consuming good food, in pleasant company and then walking around the Village (enjoying sunny weather that would have been ideal for a picnic).

Click here for the full size photos.