Mad MX Run - Max rises...

01 September 2013 / Words by Guy Coles

On Saturday 31st August, 12 MX-5s set out from McGrath’s Hill McDonalds on the Breakfast Club’s MAD MX run.

A waypoint run over some of Sydney’s finest driving roads, after leaving we set out north from Windsor through Wilberforce and past Ebenezer, the venue of the upcoming President’s Picnic through predominantly B and C grade roads, where choosing your line was important to miss the deepest of the potholes!

We then drove through lower Portland and crossed via ferry continuing on through  River road and the St Albans Road to Wisemans Ferry for our second river crossing, then waiting to meet some other club members keen to meet us later in the run.

Once assembled, we moved on only to have the group split into 2 distinct groups due to the prevalence of the traffic along Wisemans Ferry road. Clearly realizing that a Suzuki Swift is nothing like the MX-5 on these roads, the second group drove patiently for some 53 kilometres until the Swift eventually pulled off the road and then the group got stuck behind a Mazda Bongo van who struggled to do 60km/h let alone the speed limit.

Finally after traversing Peats Ridge, the first group had already arrived at Road Warriors as the second group was continuing along the Old Pacific Highway. After many phone calls, both groups finally met at Pie in the Sky for a well earned toilet break and a pie.

Clearly the choice of roads we drove were popular as all of the attendees were impressed with both the quality and variety of the run. A big thank you must go out to Reggie Walker for organizing and also Graham Fletcher for leading the run on the day.

The only disappointment on the day was not seeing any Mohawk clad marauding bikers being chased by a supercharged Black Falcon with “MFP” down the side, although Timothy Heppell probably came the closest to any of us to being the club’s Mad Max on that day.