Magnificent Manning Run

20 July 2022 / Words by David Paff

We were blessed with a beautiful sunny day, unfortunately that was the day before our Manning Magic Run. Grey skies and gently falling rain were our backdrop as we set off from Failford, Forster Bound.

A small bunch of adventurers, one NA, one NB and two ND’s, classic motoring history.

Just like the crew of the Minnow, we had a fearless skipper – John, and whilst not bound for Gilligan’s Island our first stop was on the water at the Paradise Marina. Over coffee we were joined by a large seal who thought it was opportune to lay in the emerging sun and take a break from her travels.

We resumed our journey on the Lakeway and we were finally greeted with blue sky and even a little sun.

That sun was enough motivation to get those roofs down! We ducked and weaved through the maze of potholes, appreciating the nibble steering responses of our trustee MX’s. Lake views and the occasional twist and turn made for an enjoyable run to Bulahdelah.

Turning onto the old Pacific Highway now relabelled the Wootton Way we headed up the climb of Sullivan’s Gap. A once infamous section of road when it was single lane and renowned for the carnage of many an eighteen-wheeler on a foggy night.

Now it’s a great piece of road just made of MX Mania, Greg and Jane spirited away with the Bug-eyes of Gary’s NA in their rear-view mirror.

Our lunch destination was the Nabiac Hotel, childhood memories for our author, Nabiac born and able to recall a time when the SP Bookie had pride of place in the Beer Garden and the Hotel was owned by Bill and Merv.

It didn’t take long for the remising conversations to start. John entertained our group with his stories of buying cars that were less than roadworthy. On one occasion he purchased a car, only to find after the transaction was completed, there was no engine under the hood. We have all bought a lemon at some stage, but this takes the cake.

Speaking of lemons, first prize in the lunch time trivia quiz was a home-grown organic lemon, beautifully gift wrapped from John’s tree. No expense spared!

Great conversation, and a cold beer made for a most enjoyable lunch and an excellent club run in the magic of the Manning.

Just time for a photo shoot, then off back home. A big thanks to our run hosts, Sue and John.

 David Paff