Midweek Run to Hardy's Bay

13 June 2024 / Story Marnie Lipa, Photos Bruce Davies and Maree Eccleston

It was a picture perfect Sydney winter morning. Eight cars and 13 MX5 Club members set out from McDonald’s at Mt Colah for a leisurely drive up the Old Pacific Highway. Our destination was Hardy’s Bay on the Central Coast for lunch. A special shout out to new member Ben and his modified NB with bespoke artwork on the back bumper.
The sun was shining and the Bellbirds singing as Mark and Dianne led us along the winding roads that MX5 cars love. There were a few stops for roadworks but this allowed everyone to fully appreciate the scenery.
Lunch was at The Fat Goose, a lovely cafe in Hardy’s Bay near the water. Freshly baked meat pies and warming soup seemed to be crowd favourites.
Everyone agreed that the food was delicious and worthy of a return visit.
Just as the wind picked up and clouds rolled in we said our farewells and headed back to Sydney. Many thanks to Mark and Dianne for a lovely run.