Mountains history to lunch

24 June 2024 / Story Chris W Pics CW and Brigid M

The Solstice and some old stones.

We gathered together at the historic precinct of Clarendon to partake in the RPM celebration of morning coffee on the shortest day of the year. The planned Pagan dancing was not to be, as it was too cold to remove our shoes, but we grouped around for morning warmth and worshipped the hot coffee in the warm sun.

Eight cars (or is it steeds) headed west with twelve believers across the lower mountains through the historic towns and villages to investigate the oldest stone bridge on the Australian mainland. Much exclamation was heard as we examined the plaque and fine stonemason’s skills that have allowed the bridge to still carry traffic to this day. The bullock drays used this bridge to carry all the materials needed to develop the western towns of the early settlers.

Carrying on back down the old highway we passed the not quite so old Knapsack viaduct that was the lead up to the original eastern Zig Zag railway. Further on we used the far more modern bridge over the Nepean River and down onto the Mulgoa Road passing through more Historic areas at Mulgoa and Wallacia. Turning east again, we had much time to wait at roadworks whilst we discussed the demise of Bullens Animal World to our left. Charging forward past the great Italian cake shop on our right across the old farming country at Luddenham to the Hubertus Club adjacent to the nearly complete Nancy Bird Walton Airport.

Signing into the club we were to take part in an even older RPM tradition of a great meal and a long chat.

Thank you to everyone joining us for a great time. Chris and Barbara.