New Friends at Mooney Mooney

29 May 2024 / Story Chris Wyatt Pictures Chris and Gillian

New friends at Mooney Mooney.

The old saying that “there is no such thing as a stranger, only friends we haven’t met” could not be more true judging by the new friends on our run to the Mooney Mooney Club. New members Jeff, Peter and Brian, brought along visitors Tulia and David. Even the range of cars from an immaculate NA to a brand-new ND were there to show off.

The club favourite starting point of Windsor McDonalds was as popular as ever as 12 cars made our way up Old Stock Road, Cattai Ridge Road onto Old Northern and though to Galston. The scenery was great as always but seemed even better as we dropped into the gorge and climbed through the hair pin bends rising into Hornsby Heights. Turning left onto the Old Pacific Highway we followed past all the new home construction, Veering left at the old toll gates onto the much-enjoyed winding part of the road past PITS across the freeway and down to the Old Hawkesbury Bridge and stopped to watch them setting up to repaint the rusting structure.

Turning right into the club we managed to park for a group photo before heading into the club and being shown out to our tables on the veranda, with those great views over the river. Conversation was loud and friendly while enjoying the great food. Time flies while you are having fun and before we knew it we were heading home to our responsibilities remembering the great day out.

Thanks Brigid and Ron for another fun day.