Norah Head Light House & Lunch at Swansea

29 May 2024 / story Robert Emmett, Photos by Denise Birrell

Hunters day trip to Nora Head Lighthouse was Thursday 23rd of May, meeting point was the Car Park Cameron Park Shopping Centre near MacDonald’s at 9am .

The morning was overcast and cool but still okay for a roof down run . Members arrived and gathered and chatted to one and other till departure time arrived , just prior to the appointed time Glenn did the usual run through the club rules and then we all mounted our steads , started the engines and awaited the usual radio check . When it was confirmed all present and on the correct UHF channel Glenn lead out of the car park . By this time the cloud cover was beginning to dissipate and the day was looking much better .

Up past the Mt Sugarloaf lookout then through Richmond vale along roads well used by the Hunter Group but just as much fun each time they are negotiated , then on to Freemans Waterhole and then through Cooranbong , ever expanding Cooranbong with a number of different retirement villages and large sub divisions of new housing . From here it was a turn onto the Wyee Rd and then down the Old Pacific H/way , turning again at the Budgewoi Rd and on wards towards Nora Head getting glimpses of the lake and passing one of the now many de- commissioned Power Houses at Mannering Point . On arrival at Nora Head and turning into Brush St we rolled past the Public car park and were admitted to the grounds of the Lighthouse , parking on the grass opposite the Old Light Keepers Residence where a number of Picnic tables have been installed . At this point morning tea was broken out ( BYO ) and as usual the chatter about the trip so far started .
During morning Tea one of the Lighthouse Guides welcomed the group and asked if we would like to move our cars to the lawn in front of the Lighthouse its self for Photos . After tea/coffee had been drunk ,munchies eaten and gear packed cars were moved to the position mentioned . The Lighthouse inspection was fabulous with the guides expounding their Knowledge of the lighthouse , its construction , the history of the local area , the ship wrecks and the lives lost along the stretch of coast from Sydney Heads to Nobbys Head in Newcastle . ( Four Lighthouses were built roughly 15 miles apart over the area previously mentioned
Macquarie Light South Head , Barren Joey, Palm Beach / Summer Bay Ha Ha , Nora Head then Nobbys Newcastle ) . As I said all interesting .
After inspection and the climbing of the 96 steps to the observation platform around the outside of the light , it was time to head to Swansea to the RSL for lunch . Departing the Lighthouse Glenn lead the group on through the suburban roads of the upper Central Coast taking a number of roads that lead us through the Munmorah State Recreation area a road not many in the group had been on before it was suggested by Phil and Mara so thank you to them . At the far end of the road through the State Rec area we re-joined the Old Pacific H/way heading North to our final destination and Lunch .
Once again a most pleasant day out with lovely people , nice roads to drive, in great little cars, wonderful venues for lunch what more could anyone want .
A GREAT BIG thanks to Glenn for leading and planning the run to Phil and Mara for their suggestions on roads to use and to all who participated and made it another memorable day