Outback Wanderings

03 October 2018 / Story By Brigid Gallop Photos by Natalie Davies

Outback Wanderings

At Little Hartley we met, it was bleak. It was chilly. It was wet
We thought “Oh well things could only get better.
Then the fog rolled in. The rain came down and we got a whole lot wetter.
At Jenolan, to the Cave house for a roaring fire to gather round.
And the weather is not a issue when you’re deep underground
Well, My Ron, and Your Ron and now we’re off to Oberon.
We stopped for lunch, we emerged to find the sun was going to shine.
And we knew that our little holiday was going to turn out fine
At dinner we ate Thai as per our reservation,
Well, I don’t know what was spicier the food or conversation
Next day, it was off to the Mountain with the Panoramic view
We took our little roadsters for a cruisey lap or two
In Mudgee, we stocked up on all kinds of delights
But especially the kind that comes in reds and whites
We headed out to Taronga, out to the Western Zoo
Cause when you find yourself in Dubbo, well it’s just the thing to do.
The meerkats won our hearts. Their lives they are oh so busy.
And if you crook you neck to see giraffes it goin make you dizzy
Around the elephant enclosure, there was a air of satisfaction,
And lucky us, did get to see some serious Pachyderm loving action.
Then off to Coona, and to the heavens our eyes we cast,
and ponder that we found ourselves looking to the past.
Looking through the eye glass we saw the Saturn rings
And we saw the moons of Jupiter and other amazing things
We drank our wine and ate our crackers topped off with our cheese
And talked of stars and motor cars sitting out under the trees
Our holiday, almost over we hugged and before we drove away
And we said to all there present, let do this again another day
All home we find ourselves safe and sound
And guess what, we’re already planning another round