Pedro's Run to the Border

23 May 2024 / Words: Jeff Rowe and Jan Gibson Photos: Senia Gaunson and Ann Hicks

Did Pedro take us across the border into Mexico? ‘Not Quite’.

Date: - Wednesday 15th April 2024
Story: - Day 1 of our 3-day adventure

All eyes had been on the weather for some days leading up to the start of ‘Pedro’s Run’. The weatherman was good to us though as it was a perfect start to the day and looking good for roof down driving.

We assembled in the car park of Bean Roasted Expresso Bar, Calderwood, after some took the opportunity to have a coffee, it was time for a run briefing from Mark and Hella. All organized as usual. Wait, where’s Jan and Garry? we can’t start without them. Technically they weren’t late for the Leaving Time just for the Meeting Time. Jan blamed Garry saying, ‘look, he didn’t even have time to put his Shoes and Socks on so he’s worn his Thongs’. Garry countered by saying his watch was set at the incorrect time. Mark quickly set that right.

Now that we were all assembled, 6 MX-5’s, 2 Abarth’s and 1 Isuzu Ute, Mark started the briefing. We were all given run instructions some digital with Google Maps others of us chose to have the old-fashioned printed run notes. All questions answered we were set to leave for the run to our first planned stop.


The fourth instruction on our run notes was to turn Right into Church Street, Albion Park. Easy for those of us with the printed run notes with a Right-Hand turn at 1.8 km clearly marked. But wait! good old Google Maps had other ideas. It took our Run Leader, sorry Mark, on a wild Goose chase down into downtown Albion Park during ‘School Zone’ time and with limited opportunities to make a right had turn. The CB Radio’s went into melt down and the phone carriers made a few extra dollars with all the calls going back and forth. Who’s in front, where are you, where’s Tail End Charlie. It was all sorted with a new meeting place being arranged in Jamberoo. We’re all together lets ‘try again'. Hella was so apologetic for the confusion which no one really cared about, it just made for funny conversation later.

Now with us all together we headed along one of our favourite local roads running between Jamberoo and Kiama. From Kiama we headed South where it was a leisurely drive down through the farmland country along the highway to Nowra. Through the Traffic Signals and Roundabouts of Nowra we continued heading South towards Milton for our first planned stop and Morning Tea. The Heritage Bakery was chosen for this stop and the coffee was good. I must say the Vanilla Slices that some, who shall remain unnamed, had looked very yummy as did all the goodies in the bakery display cases.

With everyone feeling fed and comfortable our group set off again for the further reaches of the South Coast. Travelling through the towns of Batemans Bay, Moruya and Narooma, which is where our Motel stay is, we continued on to Central Tilba for lunch. The route of the A1 Princes Highway has remained the same for many years and runs along beside many lakes and inlets which are very picturesque. It’s a nice road to cruise down. Seeing the cars in a convoy line in front or behind looks great and adds to the fun of the day.

Lunch was at the Dromedary Hotel in Central Tilba. A lovely quaint village with lots of little shops including an ice creamery. Hella was hanging out to get a Ginger flavored ice-cream after lunch. At the hotel our group was joined by another couple, Ron and Chris. We were shown to an area called the ‘Barn’ which was at the rear of the hotel with plenty of table space. Lunch was enjoyed by all and being a country pub, no one left hungry. Ian and Franchesca’s order was so big they could have shared one meal as could have Jan and Garry. Jan had so much she was trying to give half of what was served to Jeff who was having a small lunch and saving himself for dinner.


The only disappointment here was that Hella did not get a Ginger ice cream. But all was not lost as you’ll find out later in the story.

Lunch over we all headed back to Narooma and the ‘Top of the Town Motel’. Nice place that we would use again. It wasn’t long before the tables and chairs came out to form a circle and wine, biscuits, dip and cheese of many varieties were being shared by all. Senia even showed us a new way of opening a large chip bag to use like a bowl.


At around 6 0’clock we all wandered a short distance down the road to Lynch’s Hotel for dinner. Again, a country hotel with happy smiling staff and generous meals. Garry, having steak, ordered first and got his dinner last. He was more than happy and said it was worth the wait.

Dinner served and eaten we sat around chatting until time came to walk back to the motel to rest ready for second day of our adventure. Mark and Hella were getting us up early for an 8.30 am. start.

Words by: Jeff Rowe.

Date: - Thursday 16th April 2024
Story: - Days 2 and 3 of our 3-day adventure

We awoke to beautiful clear blue skies, not a cloud to be seen.

Having had breakfast, showered and dressed we assembled in the carpark at 8:15 for a briefing on the days run. A quick head check we realized someone was missing. No, not Garry and Jan but Jeff and Pam. Everybody shout “Wake up Jeff!” yes they had slept in. After Mark's run down of the day's itinerary we made our way to our cars, roof down, engines running ready for our 8:30 departure. Stopped in line, we looked around to see half the ladies in our group were still gathered in the carpark chatting. Our fearless leader slowly inched forward towards the exit and tooted the horn which had the ladies scurrying to their respective vehicles so as not to be left behind. 5 mins late but we were on our way, heading south to our first stop for the day.

Winding our way along beautiful country roads, lined with tall trees and native brush, speckled sunshine making its way through the canopy, warm on your back, and listening to the call of the bower birds we made our way to Tathra.

Driving through the main street we turned left towards Tathra Wharf Café for Morning tea. After parking we had a short stroll down towards the wharf, which is undergoing a major restoration. The charm of the interior of the cafe with it's eclectic furnishing more than made up for not being able to sit outside, as was the decadent array of freshly homemade biscuits, cakes and muffins and much more. Tea, coffee and iced chocolate. What to have? The selection seemed endless. Decisions made and ordered, we eagerly waited for our morning tea to be served and every order came garnished with a slice of
watermelon and a nasturtium flower. A few in our group had never tasted nasturtium before and were encouraged to try while others decided these flowers were best left in the garden.


Yes, FINALLY Hella had her ginger hit, a delicious Ginger muffin as well as the best chai tea infused with a slice of orange. It more than made up for yesterday’s missing ginger ice cream.

Now for the walk back uphill to the cars, that should burn off a few of the calories just consumed. On the road again heading towards our lunch stop.

Approximately 1:45 hours later we arrived at the Candelo General store and Café for lunch. Another delightful outdoor dining area with quite an extensive menu to choose from. A great deal of chatter while waiting for our meals to arrive and once consumed we decided to have a wander down the main street stopping and shopping in the quaint little shops before heading onto our next destination of the day.



The third leg for the day was only a short distance to Cabargo where we stopped, parked and checked out the little speciality shop. Jeff found a telephone box on the main street and decided to make a call. Did you know that all calls to standard fixed lines and standard mobile phones from a Telstra phone box are FREE Australia wide! As this was the last stop on the itinerary, everyone decided to make their way back to Narooma when they were ready. A few decided to check out the marina and the new housing estate along the waterfront, as well as the beaches and camping areas before heading back to the Top of the Town Motel for a rest before meeting in the carpark for nibblies and drinks.

Where’s Pedro? I hear you ask. He finally rode into town and quickly charmed Senora Hella and whisked her away to dinner at the local Indian restaurant where a delicious meal was had by all. The end of another great day, so back to the motel for a good night's sleep before heading home in the morning.

Most of us were up for an early start for the drive home, a few continued on to enjoy a couple more day driving around our beautiful countryside, some stopped for refreshments along the way while others headed straight home.

Thank you Hella and Mark for a great couple of days of driving, sightseeing, eating, laughing and enjoying each other's company.

Words by: Jan Gibson.

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