Picton Karting

26 June 2018 / Recount by Brendan Barr, Photos by Brenda Sheppard

Over the past few years of karting events I have developed a scientific formula that enables the calculation of one’s winning possibilities ….. not that anyone in the club would compete against each other, it’s all about fun and posting a personal best.

My original formula on the day was ‘driver weight times kart power times driver age, divided by driver ability times score out of 10 for pre race sledging’ equals chance of first place.

Once on the track my formula appeared to be confirmed as Alex (my sledge of ‘you’re just a lightweight’ appeared to have little effect) sailed by me up the back straight, however I felt that gravity would be to my advantage on the downhill to the first hairpin, so I stayed glued to his tail.  Gravity certainly played its part as Alex found out that lesser weight may mean less downforce when braking hard, and he executed a perfect  720 degree spin, and despite my desperate avoidance manoeuvres, I managed to T – bone his kart rather forcefully, thereby re-arranging my teeth and spine.

To my dismay, Bryan Hicks, a man who may exceed my thrifty 50 kg* decided to trash my theory by lapping me a few times, whilst driving with one hand on the wheel and using the other to take photos with his camera.  Perhaps it was the stinging sledges directed my way about leprechauns.

I will have to refine my formula.

Really, it was a fabulous sunny day, reasonably warm, and even attracted a fair spectator field.  There were spins a plenty and claims of underpowered karts that stymie lap times.

Our wonderful organiser, Jeffrey Rowe presented trophies to Kristian for fastest average time (a young, fit man with a witty sledge, what more can I say!)  and Mark for fastest average lap for over 55. (Must have had a powerful kart!) Jeffrey then ensured that an enjoyable race event was followed by a tasty meal at Picton Bowling Club.

Photos here and thanks to Brenda for volunteering her camera skills at short notice.

For those who wish to check the veracity of my formula and see all the results, please check the results.


 *If you believe any of the preceding rubbish, you will also believe this.