Prawns at Pelican Rocks

15 July 2020 / Story Brian Clayton; Photos Anne Zattera and Anda Clayton

What an inauspicious start to a day. High winds, pouring rain, cold. Despite the weather we were joined at Milton by Anne and Graeme and, making an early start from Canberra, Peter Battisson. I suppose this was a relatively short trip for the convenor of the Breakfast Club.

After a warming cup of coffee, three cars set off for the appointed location for lunch, Pelican Rocks Seafood Café at Greenwell Point. Traffic was moderate but moving at a good speed and we had a pleasant trip up the highway.

Just past the last garage on the highway before the turnoff, “bing”, the tire pressure warning light and alarm came on. Oh dear, not a flat tyre, on a busy highway, in the pouring rain???? Well, no. No nasty “flat tyre” noises, push on to Greenwell Point. A quick visit to a very obliging tyre repair place, the tyre pressures were checked and front offside was reading below 30 psi. Quick inflation and everything seemed OK. On to lunch.

We were joined by Bob and Linda, who had the shortest trip, coming from Callala Beach, just down the road. Bill and Jan, Illawarra members but regular visitors to South Coast outings arrived, together with Wal and Pat, old friends who we had not seen in a while.

We quickly settled down to plenty of chat and ordering lunch. Pelican Rocks has been rated the best sea food café in NSW for some years now and last year won the National title, best in Australia. The meals they served lived up to the reputation. The food was backed up by good service and reasonable prices, all in all an excellent venue for lunch. The seafood platter was a popular choice but Peter settled on the biggest bowl of prawns I have seen. Some had room left to be tempted by dessert and the plates delivered caused some groans of envy from those of us who had declined dessert. Oh well, next time.

After some coffee and more chit chat it was time for farewells and the trip home (4 hours for Peter). Arriving home before dark, with pleasant memories of another wonderful day out with our MX5 friends.