Rollands Plains Run and Christmas Lunch

15 December 2013 / Peter Rodgers

This was our second run out to Rollands Plains this year with Kevin and Peter restoring their navigational credibility by not going out exploring on their own this time. Even though Rollands Plains is relatively close to Port Macquarie, it is not only a beautiful area but quite a fun drive with a variety of hills, bends and fast straights. Also the odd pothole or two.

On returning to the Rivermark Cafe in Port Macquarie, we found a few more cars and familiar faces waiting to join us for our Christmas lunch. Not only was the company excellent, together with the food, but also very easy on the pocket with sponsorship from Port Macquarie Mazda and the Rivermark Cafe filling the gap between the Club subsidy and our appetites.

Your chapter convener was having such an enjoyable time at lunch that he forgot to take photos of the happy event.